Fistulas are abnormal connections or passageways that can form between two organs or between an organ and the skin.
Here are some common approaches to fistula treatment:
Fistulotomy: A fistulotomy is a surgical procedure where the entire fistula tract is cut open to allow for drainage. This is often performed for simple, straightforward fistulas.
Seton Placement: A seton, which is a piece of material like a suture or a rubber band, may be placed through the fistula tract. This helps keep the tract open and allows for gradual drainage, reducing the risk of abscess formation.
Advancement Flap Repair: In cases where the fistula tract can be closed without damaging the sphincter muscles, an advancement flap repair may be considered. This involves using nearby tissue to cover and close the fistula opening.
Fibrin Glue Injection: Fibrin glue, a biological adhesive, may be injected into the fistula tract to seal it and promote healing.